
The following organizations are working to make a better world.

I have had the privilege of being part of their journey.

Alzheimer Society of Canada (2023)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (2021)

Canadian Council on Animal Care (2022)

Canadian Environmental Law Association (2023)

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation (2021)

Canadian Parents for French (2024)

Chisasibi Telecommunications Association (2023)

Community Music Schools of Toronto (2024) 

CPA Council of Chief Executives (2024)

CPA Manitoba

Crohn’s and Colitis Canada (2024)

Defeat Duchenne Canada

Environment Funders Canada (2022)

Fighting Blindness Canada (2021)

Institute on Governance (2021)

Ovarian Cancer Canada

Parkinson Canada

Philanthropic Foundations of Canada (2020)

Simon Fraser University – Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue (2021)

Strategic Science Fund, Government of Canada (2022)

The Canadian Lung Association (2022)

The United Church of Canada / The United Church of Canada Foundation (2020)

The United Church of Canada Foundation (2024)

Trans Canada Trail

United Way Centraide Canada

United Way Regina

Valoris (2021)

VHA Home HealthCare (2022)

VINEx (2021)

YMCA Canada



Note:  The date in brackets indicates the year in which the most recent engagement was completed.

“It’s been a pleasure to work with Yves as a guide in our strategy development process.  He pushed us to understand strategy in new ways and inspired us to build a bold plan while also developing a disciplined approach to its implementation. Yves always cautioned that strategic planning is the easy part. He equipped us for the challenge of cascading strategy into operations and guided us in the design of a framework for performance monitoring. Yves’ experience and deep understanding of the strategy drivers in our sector are second to none.”

Lori Radke

Former President and CEO, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada

Let’s talk how you can make a better world